*************************************** Welcome to DanuP2Gas Optimization Tool! *************************************** Version: 2.0 (build 117) To use it, follow these steps: 1.) Unzip this folder to any location on your computer. The tool works only locally which means that the folder containing it must not be located on a network drive. The Excel file must not be shared via OneDrive or similar cloud services. The folder contains subfolders "profiles", "src_import", "src_optim" and files "DanuP2Gas Optimization Tool.xlsm" and "DanuP2Gas Optimization Tool - User Manual.pdf". 2.) Before opening "DanuP2Gas Optimization Tool.xlsm" right-click on it, go to Properties, check the "Unblock" checkbox and click OK. 3.) Open "DanuP2Gas Optimization Tool.xlsm" and confirm any security alerts (if necessary). 4.) Enter parameters and click on "Start Optimization". Make sure that all neccessary parameters are entered and that your computer has enough memory (RAM) to run it (check "Amount of memory required" under "Optimization Tool" sheet). If any of the parameters are not enered properly, the tool will notify you. Authors: Filip Rukavina (filip.rukavina@fer.hr) Marijo Šundrica (marijo.sundrica@fer.hr) Antonio Karneluti (antonio.karneluti@fer.hr) Mario Vašak (mario.vasak@fer.hr) Laboratory for Renewable Energy Systems (www.lares.fer.hr) University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (www.fer.unizg.hr)